In 1 Timothy 3 & Titus 1, the apostle Paul writes on the “noble task” concerning the office of overseer (elder). He provides a general requirement that is then followed by specific areas in which the overseer must be blameless.

In Scripture the word overseer refers to both ruling and teaching elders. In other words, the qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3 & Titus 1 apply to both ministers of the Word as well as lay elders who shepherd the flock. The word “must” means that these qualifications are essential, they are not merely helpful guidelines. All of these qualifications are mandatory. They are requirements which God has laid down for the office of elder in his church. No man may be an elder in the church unless he meets all of these qualifications.

We confess that Christ is king of the church. That means that the rules for the church which Christ sets down in his Word must be followed. It is the church’s God-given duty to keep all unworthy men out of the office of ruling and teaching elder. In so doing the church will uphold the honor of Christ and insure that the church is edified unto greater peace, purity, and unity.

By “blameless” the Scripture does not mean that a man must be sinless in order to be an overseer in the church. To be blameless is to be irreproachable. No one should be able to lay a charge against an overseer and make it stick. To be blameless does not mean that one is able to evade accusation or conviction. Rather, a man is blameless or above reproach when his words and conduct conform to the holy commandments of God in Scripture so that he cannot justly be accused or convicted of any sin. Scripture says that Job was “blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil”. The people of God should be able to say that about every elder in the church.

John Calvin explains it this way: An elder “ought not to be marked by any disgrace that would detract from his authority. There will certainly not be found a man who is free from every fault, but it is one thing to be burdened with ordinary faults that do not hurt a man’s reputation, because the most excellent men share them, but quite another to have a name that is held in infamy and besmirched by some scandalous disgrace. Thus, in order that the bishops may not lack authority, he gives charge that those who are chosen should be of good and honorable reputation, and free of any extraordinary fault. Also, he is not merely directing Timothy as to the sort of men he should choose but he is reminding all who aspire to the office that they should carefully examine their own life”.

In summary, God has always provided leadership for His people and it is no different for the church today. Elders are those who lead the church and Paul describes whom can aspire to this “noble task”.

Awaken Elders remain in fervent prayer regarding those whom God is calling to lead His church. Over the past year or more, the Awaken Elders have served alongside Rev. Leon Jones, Mr. Craig Collier and Mr. Lester Hood. Each of these men have a certain calling to serve the church, possessing qualities that influence and biblically support the church and others within the community. Such qualities include moral trustworthiness, social aptitude, empathy, pastoral care, and more.

Awaken Elders submit to a lengthy qualification process, including that of extensive study, prayer, mentorship, accountability, spiritual leadership, etc. Outlined below you will find the specific qualifications that we have observed in each candidate. There is no lack of any qualification in any candidate, however there are stronger gifts that each posses individually.

1. Above Reproach. This qualification relates to having a good reputation. In a way, this is a summary statement of the qualifications as a whole. Each man applies the principles of God’s Word, and desires to deepen their relationship with Christ. Their character flows from biblical values and their professed faith. As a result each man lives in such a way that their church and community describes each as being above reproach.

2. Husband of One Wife. The Greek words, which we translate as “the husband of one wife,” speak to the subject of fidelity in marriage, not marital status. Directly rendered, the Greek phrase says “a one woman man.” If married, the elder must be absolutely committed to his wife. Each man has been married to their wives for a collective total of 73 years, faithfully loving and caring for their wives. God continues to grow the bond between each spouse as they pursue God honoring marriages. The love of these candidates towards their wives is shown in the love and support given from each of their wives. In humility, each woman submits to the leadership of their husband as they lovingly lead their wives as an act of worship to our Lord and Savior.

3. Temperate & Self-Controlled. “Temperate” refers to a person’s orientation toward life. This speaks of each man living a balanced life, not prone to extremism. Each man exemplifies this in their rich devotional life, which allows Jesus to become Lord in their lives and in their marriage. The Lordship of Christ brings their pride under control, clarifying their motives, and strengthening their weaknesses.

4. Prudent & Sensible. An elder must use sound judgment. The soundness of judgment from each man has grown out of a humble view of themselves and the recognition of Christ’s all sufficiency in their lives. The tendency to make poor judgments, or unwise decisions, is the opposite of prudence and sensibility.

5. Respectable. An elder must be well-behaved, well-organized, a man whose life is in order. This often affects such areas of life as responsibility and honorable use of language. If the elder is not respectable, he would never have the credibility needed to feed, lead, protect, and love the flock. Each man has exemplified such qualification in their respective vocations. In most cases, their respectability has led them to gospel conversations in which God is honored and hearts are stirred.

6. Hospitable. The elder should not have neither a cynical disposition, nor a closed attitude toward people. When a person is hospitable, he will keep his life, home, and heart open to others. Each man has a divine ability to welcome the unwelcomed, to love the unloveable, to care for the careless, etc. With open arms each exemplify the hospitable attributes of Christ.

7. Able to Teach & Able to Exhort in Sound Doctrine and Refute Those Who Contradict. These closely aligned characteristics refer to each candidate’s ability and desire to learn, in order that they may teach others the truths of God’s Word. Two of the major assignments of eldership are feeding and protecting the flock. To accomplish these tasks, the elders must have a great respect for God’s Word, a proficient comprehension of its truths, and a genuine commitment to the disciplined study of the Scriptures. Each mans commitment to the word of God has enabled each to instruct God’s people in biblical truths and encourage them to apply these principles to daily life. Furthermore, each man has committed their lives to the evangelism of the word of God as they engage the lost in their communities. Each man has a strong comprehension of doctrine enabling them to protect the flock from the ravenous wolves, who seek to destroy them should they not be protected.

8. Not Addicted to Wine. This characteristic sets down the absolute prohibition of drunkenness in an elder’s life. Each man respects their body as the temple of God, as such living in obedience to the prohibition of drunkenness.

9. Not violent. An elder must not be quick-tempered and must have a gentle yet assertive heart. The tendency to strike out in bursts of anger would destroy the elder’s ability to maintain credibility with the flock. Furthermore, an elder is to protect the church form people who are quick to anger. As a result conflicts will be resolved while loving God and serving others remains the priority.

10. Gentle and Patient. A gentle person is non-combative, kind, and patient. Elders, as well as all believers in Christ, are told to be gentle with a number of different kinds of people. For example, we must be gentle to those without Christ, according to Titus 3:2, 3. We must be kind and patient towards the carnal Christian. Gentleness is to be expressed to all other Christians as well. This characteristic will not always demand the strict letter of the law. Each man, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit knows when to offer mercy, where strict justice may be inappropriate due to its generality.

11. Uncontentious. This word means, “not quarrelsome, not debating, selfish, or sinfully jealous.” Contentiousness reveals insecurity and bitterness, which should not exist in the elder’s life. Such a person may do significant harm to the flock. Assertiveness and accountability come to mind when describing this qualification in each man. Each are confidently assertive in what the word of God says & unshakable concerning its truths. However each man has an open ear to those whom they engage offering biblical accountability rather than a self righteous argument.

12. Free from the Love of Money. The Bible teaches us a great deal about the appropriate and inappropriate use of, and desire for, money. An excellent example of this is found in Deuteronomy 8:17. Here, Moses explains that we tend to equate material possessions with our significance. In Revelation 3:17, we are told of a human tendency to link money with security. In addition Matthew 5:33 and Hebrews 13:5, say our security and significance come from the depth of our own intimacy with the Lord. Each man meets this qualification for eldership as each have an obvious understanding of the evil money can cause and then rejects the temptations money brings. Each manage their finances with a kingdom mindset and as an expression of worship give selflessly to others.

13. Ruling His Household Well & Above Reproach as a Steward. “Ruling” refers to the way a man provides leadership for his family. It is possible for a man to be morally qualified for eldership, but disqualified by his lack of leadership in his home. Each man understands that there are two issues at work in each home. First, there is the quality of leadership that is offered. Secondly, there is the willingness to follow the leadership that is given. Each are committed to the task of being a good steward of this household. Household leadership is an important qualification for elders because the church is more of a family than a business.

14. Having Children under Control with Dignity & Having Children Who Are Not Accused of Dissipation or Rebellion. The elder’s children must bring honor to their parents. Each man demonstrates this qualification as both they and their wives have encouraged order and loving discipline in their home. This is not suggesting that these men have raised “perfect” children. To require such a standard would render no father qualified for eldership. These men have raised their children to love the Lord, while encouraging others to do the same.

15. Not a New Convert. The elder cannot be a new convert. Spiritual maturity is of greatest importance, due to the spiritual responsibilities elders face. In total these men have faithfully served the Lord for ? years. Each man has experienced various trials throughout their lives, giving credit to God Almighty for his loving hand upon their lives. Had it not been for the love and grace of the father who knows where their worldly intuitions would’ve taken them.

16. Of Good Reputation Outside the Church. The phrase “outside the church” refers to unbelievers. In their retirement, each man finds themselves in a world who does not know the Lord. Understanding the vastness of their need, each person they encounter are shown the love of God. Relationally, each man is highly thought of in their respective communities.

17. Not Self-willed. When a person is self-willed, he stubbornly follows his opinions, arrogantly refusing to listen to others. Each man is willing to change their opinions, and receptive to the convictions, feelings, and interests of others. In other words, each has great teamwork skills. Many men may fill the other qualifications of eldership and fail here. However, the church must not overlook this qualification. If we do, we will make it difficult, if not impossible, for the elders to work together. In contrast, these men stand for biblical principles no matter what the cost may be. Each has the ability to compromise in areas of personal opinion while remaining strongly committed to matters of biblical principle.

18. Not Quick-tempered. This is a very important qualification for a spiritual leader. Spiritual leaders must be slow to anger. The reason for this qualification is obvious. We destroy our testimony when we allow ourselves to become angry quickly. Furthermore, James 1:20 says that our anger cannot accomplish the will of God. Each man is slow to speak with an attentive ear and hearts of compassion in loving rebuke or counsel. These men exemplify this qualification.

19. Loving What Is Good. Each man is devoted to what is good and right. They are not enticed by what is popular and expedient. They would rather plant their feet on solid ground than meander in the midst of complacency and worldly expectation.

20. Just. This qualification deals with two concepts, positional righteousness and experiential righteousness. Each man understands who Christ is and live lives that reflect an intimate relationship with the Lord. This firm understanding of who Christ is in their lives aids in response to culturalism, where values and norms of behavior diametrically oppose those of a kingdom mindset.

21. Devout. This trait refers to a holy life. When considering each man, (elders as a whole), a prime consideration must deal with the candidate’s attitude, character, and activities. Each are men who love the Lord and they reveal that love by the way they live. This is not to suggest that these men are absolutely sinless, however each man exemplifies a deep surrender to Christ in their everyday life.

The summation of these qualifications is lengthy, however they hold a weight that is “noble” in nature and calling. Each man, understanding what is before him, humbly submits to this calling upon their life. Their households affirm them, their spouses stand by their side, their church has seen the fruits of their labor. It is with great honor, your Awaken Elders present these men, Rev. Leon Jones, Mr. Craig Collier and Mr. Lester Hood as qualified elder candidates.


Awaken Elders