Awaken Men
Awaken Kids
Who: Infants - 5th grade
Partnering with parents to make disciples who make disciples.
Our Awaken Kids gather together on Sundays @ 10am
Our Nursery and Toddlers get checked in, while our 3 & 4 year olds -5th grade stay in the gathering to worship through song with us and are dismissed just before the sermon!
We also have a nursery room that is open for moms and babies to use that with a live stream of the services.
Awaken Youth
Who: 6th - 12th grade students
Sundays at 10AM - Our middle and high school students remain in the Sunday gathering with everyone or will be part of a serve team.
WEDNESDAY EVENINGS from 6:30pm-8:00pm students from 6th - 12th grade come together for a night of bible study, worship, and games. Once a month we also do various events and activities to build community and make some great memories together!
Awaken Young Adults
Who: Singles, newlyweds, married with no kids, 20-30 somethings.
Awaken Men's Ministry is committed to glorifying God by offering discipleship and fellowship opportunities for men. Our hope is to equip and encourage men to grow in their relationship with Christ.
Awaken Women
Awaken Women seeks to glorify God through opportunities for women to grow in biblical literacy, walk in their calling, and be strengthened through Gospel community.